Please make sure to visit us during the studio hour
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Thursday 5:00 PM - 8 PM
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM
** By signing this form, you agree to abide by the guidelines below.
I approve this registration form and certify that applicant(s) is (are) capable of injuries and accidents. I certify approval of good health of the participant(s) and , in the event that I can not be reached in an emergency, I authorize Justice TaeKwonDo Inc to render first-aid, give permission to the physician selected by the Justice TaeKwonDo Inc to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for the participant(s) named above. I certify that in signing this form, I agree to release Justice TaeKwonDo Inc for any liability for the risk of injuries or accidents during and after a structure class under supervision of Master No, Instructors and assistant instructors. I approve the No-Refund policy once payment is made and all deposits are non refundable. I further authorize that photographs and videos may be published for any purpose in any form.
* The registration expires 3 months from the registration date.